Monday, August 6, 2007

time check:5:40pm
location;Tororo towm
mood:still exicted
cars:wierd numbers those w216324 (importation)

can hear some dave koz, so what do i think about Tororo honestly cannot tell you it was darkish when we arrived and all i could think about was the bathroom .fast forward(aka after the bathroom)so we sashay(does the word exist)in looking extremly hot(i aint joking)my sister in a black wrap around dress and red peeptoes,me in a brown dress(choc)dress with a bow around the waist and God heels, i must say we looked hot not in a trashy way.
the wedding:-beautiful
the groom:-polite


The 27th Comrade said...

I avoid weddings, lest they stain I and I with impure thoughts of mbu love is real, et cetera.

leos child said...

@27th hater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!