Thursday, May 29, 2008


If there is anything i despise its people who think they are too busy or too important for lack of a better term to wait and use the toilet but find comfort inusing the street,pavements bushes basically open ground.
The other day i was on my way to work and this man shamelesly decided to open water on the nearby bush in broad day light.A side view of his gu thing visible to all who dared look and he on the other hand looked like he was buying kabalagala yes he looked that unbothered. Thought to my self if i was president i would be in my one car convoy on my way to work i would be living far from my work place not those things mbu working from home. I would be a master at butida complete with sigiri hardened mud bullets as i would be making my way to work i would be hitting those peoples heads with those mud bullets coutersy of my katida.
what else should i do when i become president any suggestions?


Xena said...

hee hee, think i cracked a rib!
Kati, i want to be part of you butida squad if you become president but then again... you know i would want to be minister of finance or something like that, where the money's at!
Am sure our friendship will still be valid considering....

Anonymous said...

He he he he he so did you see the gu thing?