Monday, July 7, 2008


what do you do when you are told a friend or a semi friend(for lack of a better term)is getting married and deep down you she is making a mistake because the man is wants to get married to thinks she is a foosball, no he doesnt pass her around but treats her like she is an exercise bag.sad i tell you and mad cant seem to figure out what would make anyone stick with anyone thats beats them and treats them like he is doing them a favour by being in the relationship.Guess i will never find out since am not sticking around that long to find out.
in a completely different zone:i marvel at the courage of men. Just realised they dont know what league not in a bad way let me explain before you kill me!so the other day i escort a friend to the saloon okay didnt escort her just went to meet her there this said saloon is on dewinton so the guy starts askin my friend mbu "oyo ali single" meaning is she single my friend decides to keep the conversation alive says am not so he starts launching his manifesto as he does my eyebrows, "where do you do your hair from?" so i tell him from home he then tries convincing me to start doing it from his work am amused obviously he proceeds to ask for my number i politely refuse so he asks me dont i want to recieve calls this amuses me considering the fact that i can hardly stand long calls more than 20mins and am already making excuses.later we are talking about this new development and she says men always think they can get any girl as long as he is given the chance and in most cases women know where to end and how far to venture.


the antipop said...

he is beating her up now before he even pays her bride price, i can only imagine what he will do afterwards... you need to advise your semi-friend woman!

leos child said...

@at antipop tried she thinks he is the one!

Xena said...

madam, is this semi friend of yours also my semi friend? do i even know her? Kubanga, i see nothing wrong with raising my hand in church when they ask whether anyone knows of any reason why the two should not be joined in holy matrimony.
We could also just forcefully check her into Butabika because she really must be mad and if she isn't already, those beatings will land her there eventually, if not in her grave....

Xena said...
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Xena said...

hmm, as for not knowing their league, men are will be hit on by the boda boda rider, the taxi conductor, fish seller, shoe repairman, much so that you will start asking God what you did to Him deserve being hit by those guys...Worse still if you stand at the roadside and none of the hot cars passing by has an occupant who slows down or turns his head to get another glance but the next bicycle rider offers to transport you to your destination, free of charge.....
then you can only look up into the heavens thinking but God......