so my friend goes for counselling to this pastor he happens to be good(so am told)and so as they talk they end up discusssing her relationships and she tell him that her boyfriend is not "saved"(its in quotes because am still trying to discover what it truly means)so he tells her that she has to dump him because he is not good enough for her and that she will find some one who is saved. i was so mad because she was convinced that he was right(forgive my tenses)him being saved doesnt make him better her boyfriend happens to be a very goood man not once as he ever asked her to sleep with him respects her decision regarding waiting.and he is reliable she lives in what me and call the village deep almost next to kiigo prison but he makes sure he drops her at home safely even when she has not been with him the whole day and only needs a lift from him in his longterm plans she is number one he adores the road she walks on. i ahve heard of so many people who get married to what everyone believes is a saved man and he changes only to become worse than those unsaved alcohol taking wifebeating men and i thought he being the counselling pastor would encourage her to encourage him to get saved i was so pissed could have bitten off his head!(dips hhead in water to cool off)
in another unrelated post a friend of mine okay she used to work next to me until she got another job was arrested, her father had her arrested un believable i know.he had been telling the judge that his daughter is disrespectful doesnt like him despises him so surmons(sp) were being sent to her to appear before the judge but she had been signing for them as recieved and not honouring them so she was arrested and was in luzira for 3 weeks.we just got to know today.apparently, yes there is another story behind the one he told. Her father wants to marry another woman her mother passed away but he wants his daughter out of home so he can bring in the other woman comfortably. she insists she cannot leave home yet coz she just finished campus and also her mum built the house they live in so she doesnt see why she has to be thrown out on account of her father marrying another woman to which i agree totallyand also her father had been forging her signiture to show that she has recieved the surmons .well her brothers have decide to move her out of home they have agreed to foot the bills and also the case is in court but i thing is for sure the world is slowly losing it.
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I agree with you about the saved and unsaved thing...sometimes you get you have a good guy who doesnt share with your yur religious views.
Why it becomes a problema nd i aint tryna judge coz, ive been there, done that and got me a t-shirt...christians look indepth on the whole issue.there is a certain verse, dont really know where it is but ill let you know, where it talks about being yoked with unbelivers, that what does two unlike things have in common.(parapharing)
Its a whoel sermon believ me, i agree there are some christian saved guys who just dont know the first thing about treating a woman right....being a christian, i do consider the God factor so much, saved or not saved, i would want him to have a personal relationhip with God, but it doesnt end there, does he treat me right,im i happy with him, does he respect me...etc...
so itsmore than the label saved
U do have some good points, does it matter if i am "saved" only!
i think it does have to a lot with Ms Diva's comments, and know that as a person, one's relationships should always get better, and then some...
whether it is with your Momz, Dad, Sisters, Brothers... Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins....
Also, the one relationship with the Lord should always be massaged and constantly being built, or repaired whichever happens at the time.
this one relationship determines so much how you treat and relate with other people, though the fact remains that all these relationships take time and energy to build.... and maintain...
and one does have to be able to try looking ahead at what they have overcome together...
Love the post, and thanks for dropping by my joint Leo,-er,-est
@ mr b2b many times thats what most saved people i know use it as the main ingredient in the yard stickto have relations and never think of helping potential none saved partners see the light.
@ms diva tell them thanks for passing by.
pastors= self righteous narcistic beings.
fathers, a k a men= pigs
bring it on anyone
hmm, this whole saved and unsaved guy thing is just crazy. I once dated a saved guy and to say the very least, it was the shortest and worst relationship ever!!
I don't think being saved or not is the problem, its about the person.
As for that pastor, hmm, i actually know some good pastors....
As for the mad excuse of a father,i have one of those, he once had my brother arrested, he's actually tried to murder me, among other things...I have learnt that just because a man's sperm somehow created you, it doesn't make him your father.....
@ Antipop, i agree with you and if anyone wants some of this, let them bring it on....
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