Wednesday, March 14, 2007

of cheesy lines and ugly men

is anyone as tired as iam of men with no respect as iam and with the most cheesy lines gals the other day was chilllin at a friends shop when this overzealous dude walks up and asks another guy mbu,''who is that galask her to go with me so that i take her for a sweet romance" now what in 'God's name is sweet romance.

new word for the day:
aberrant/e'ber.ent/adj formal different fromwhat is typical or usual ,especially in an unacceptable way:aberrant behaviour/sexuality.


Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for th enew word as for the men always weak

Cheri said...

A sweet romance??????

Yo buddy shd have gone just for just. So she'd describe a "sweet romance" to us.

Then we'll know wat we've been missing all this time.